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"We're going for a Test Drive...
Leave your feelings at the Door...
We're going for a Test Drive...
We're testing performance....nothing more..."

From Test Drive





I am Future Lisa.
I write poems and songs, play a Roland FP3 keyboard or piano or an old Casio or Yamaha keyboard, and sing or speak my words. I am currently a solo performer, but have played with Bryan Miller on drums, Larry Ravenswood or Jaques Wait on bass, and Paul Collette on guitar and Anita Kozan on sax.

This is Clone- click it to go to my Facebook site----->


CDs released so far:

Cover Girl - 2001

No Head for You - 2003

Test Drive - 2005

Clone - 2007

Pull Me - 2016 - single release....

Chainsaw to the Hard Drive  - in the Future!


How To Reach Me
or Get On My Mailing List

Warning!!  I have had problems with my form e-mailer....if you tried to e-mail me and I did not respond please resend your message. Sorry for the glitch! I have removed the form e-mailer so the problems stop.

You can E-Mail me directly at futurelisa2@yahoo.com.

Test Drive Review

By Ed Huyck, Lavendar Magazine 11/05 

"In her press material, Future Lisa describes Test Drive as a trip "down the path of relationship hell." That's always a good starting point for me.

Add on Interesting musical colors and tight playing, and you have something special: an album that can't be classified easily.  And that's a joy to these jaded ears......Future Lisa crafts music that has a familiar feel, but sounds like nothing you'd hear on a typical bland Top-40 radio station.

Instead, these are more like messages from a far-off alien place. Some of the songs, such as the beautifully fractured "Repo Man", seem to haunt my dreams."  

Click on the Music Player link above to Listen to free clips of my songs!

You can purchase NoHead For You
and Test Drive and Clone online at CDBaby.com
or at my shows, or by e-mailing me at FutureLisa2@yahoo.com

Click here to Listen or Purchase at CDBaby.com

Random Thoughts


Pull Me is out and I am working on songs from my upcoming
Chainsaw to the Hard Drive CD.














this site last updated March 11, 2022



Future Lisa's Home Page